Chapter 3. the vision

Graffiti was scrawled all over the marble pillars leading to the huge double doors of the temple. Whatever fake bravery the vandals had felt, desecrating the pillars of the temple fled them as the temple walls were unblemished. The doors stood closed and Michael said “It’s now or never” as he pushed against the left brass door with all his might. The door slowly allowed him entry as it lethargically crawled inward.

Michael was surprised the interior was not deepest night considering it was indoors and what little light the day provided was not even enough to read by. In fact the center dais cast a soft ethereal light about the temple sanctuary. Not being accustomed to this level of light for more than three years Michael and Lucas rubbed their eyes. It took a long while for them to adjust to its subtle intensity…light was so very welcome and pleasant.

Michael smiled with inner satisfaction since his decision to come had not ended in swift death after all!

Feeling a bit more courage he entered the massive chamber and began to search for anything useful. His father had never once mentioned the holiest sanctuary to Michael – or if he had it had been in passing so long ago his young memory could not dredge up any recall – so he was a bit stumped as to what exactly he was searching for.

There was the dais where Sunrise 5ive surely belonged. He saw not even a hint of the Mace of many facets … a fact that did not displease him at all. Frustration began to grow in his chest like a weight being placed upon it as the minutes dragged by with not a useful discovery in sight.

Who was he kidding anyways? Even if he found some words inscribed or some parchments written upon, Michael had been deprived of the most formative years of school. In short he could not read a lick. Maybe this little gamble had been a complete waste of time thought he as his shoulders began to slump and he eyes started to water.

Deep down Michael loved his parents very much. Even with the changes the darkness had brought, he remembered the early years fondly. Over the course of the last week his parents had taken on a death like parlor. Instead of being completely oblivious to him and Lucas they had grown lethargic and their breathing had become very shallow. In fact, now they slept the vast majority of the days pitiful as these days were.

This was the catalyst that had finally prompted Michael’s gambit. Whatever was wrong in Lullaby Falls was reaching a fast crescendo. Time was of the essence!

A giggling coo from Lucas snapped Michael back to reality. Lucas was very intuitive for such a young boy. He had discovered something! Turning around he saw his brother at the very back of the sanctuary. Michael had briefly scanned this area before but the size of the dais had blocked vision of the item that held Lucas’ pleased attentions. Lucas had found a gold box and its lid now lay ajar.

The box was just big enough to fit his brother. Not that he dare let him jump in – which took a little effort to prevent – Michael looked in he saw three items. One item was a wooden scepter, the second item was a clay jar and the third item was a tablet with strange markings.

Emboldened, Michael brushed his fingers along the tablet. A feeling of pure rapture struck his body. It was like being hit with a bolt of lightning. Lucas grabbed his brother’s arm in alarm and they both saw the vision together.

There was a journey which must be made
Through desert dry and valley laid
To find the boon which twain they seek
To bring salvation to those who sleep

The path was laid before them in their minds eye! Michael much comforted and filled with bravery did gird up his loins and grasped the staff with his left hand. As soon as his fingers curled around the smooth wood a soft green glow emanated from the staff and Michael could feel grass growing between his fingers like a cushion.

Lucas had received his own vision and his tummy rumbled loudly as he drooling stuck his tongue out to the side in concentration reached for that clay jar post haste! Inside were what appeared to be large white beads. Before Michael could express any kind of warning Lucas began stuffing them down his gullet. Throwing caution to the wind and because his own tummy was aching now, Michael joined his brother in the feast. The mana tasted like … what was that from so long ago? … ah yes chicken! His mouth watering in delight the brothers did eat their fill. No matter how much they ate the clay jar stayed full.

Saturated, satisfied and sleepy Lucas put the lid back on the jar and tucked it under his right arm. The brothers were filled with exhilaration and nodding to each other turned towards the temple doors to begin their journey into Surrenderland hand in hand.