Chapter 10. let there be light

Lucas screamed “Noooo!” and rushed into his brothers waiting bosom. Michael held his brother whom he loved until his sobbing subsided. “For you, my parents and my people I will give all” Michael said to both Lucas and the guide.

The guide gently plucked up Lucas and began to walk up the stairs with Michael trailing behind. It was the longest walk of Michael’s whole life, each step felt like an eternity knowing this would be his last trip.

When they reached the top of the stairs they rose directly into the top room of the tower. Sitting on a dais was the Orion Light also known as Sunrise 5ive. Lying beside the dais was the Mace of many facets which was dimly growing like a coal about to extinguish.

The guide placed Lucas on the floor and turned to Michael. “Now is the time for the decision. If you choose to sacrifice yourself pick up the Mace of many facets.”

In truth the decision had been made a week ago when Michael had decided to enter the Holy Temple. For his entire life the Mace of many facets had been a thing of fear and death, but a decision had been made and the price must be paid. Michael picked up Lucas in a bear hug and wiped away his tears. With a purpose he readied himself and striding towards Sunrise 5ive he bent down and grasped the Mace of many facets in both hands.

Like a fire being stoked the Mace emanated a bright red fire. Suddenly a boy appeared beside Michael about his own age. The boy placed his hand upon Michael’s cheek and smiled and then he ascended into the Heavens. With a final burst the red light faded and Michael was no more and the Mace had vanished!

Lucas looked around not understanding what he had witnessed. “In a thousand years another decision must be made. No one will remember this story and another story will be born. The people will be different and the place will be different. But a question will be asked and answered by one of the priesthood blood.

Lucas, take Sunrise 5ive to the temple in your city where the Mace of many facets now awaits and fear not!” With that long proclamation completed the Guide winked out of existence and Lucas was alone.

Lucas picked up Sunrise 5ive in both arms and it was very light! In a dream like state he began his journey home. When he exited the tower it disappeared but so did the darkness! The sun shone bight and true once more in an azure sky of deepest summer.

As Lucas continued his journey light blossomed back into the world and all the creations of the Evil One disintegrated before the light. At the mirror lake the three headed snake came to Lucas but the boy was not afraid. Lucas reached out his hand and the snake became a rod which Lucas held in his right hand. When Lucas came upon the spot where he and Michael fought the spine beast in the forest only the clay jar remained on the ground. Lucas picked it up and placed it under his left arm.

At the beginning of the Surrenderland desert Lucas was surprised to see that Sunrise 5ive had not destroyed Hermelgora’s body. Hermelgora was born of wickedness from the Evil One, so why was her body still here? Suddenly a voice like the sweetest song filled the desert “Born in darkness you chose the light and your decision is well pleasing unto me”. Of a sudden Hermelgoras body shrank into the form of a swaddled little baby.

Lucas was filled with understanding. Hermelgora was born without spirit or soul but now she had both and the chance to live a full happy life. Lucas reached down and held his dear new sister in the crook of his right arm. Hermelgora cooed at him … and slobbered on him … gross.

The rest of the journey was a blur that Lucas ignored until he was standing at the top of the Temple steps looking down upon his people. A knowing happiness filled Lucas. One day he would see his brother again when his duty was done.

Turning away from the crowds he found himself face to face with his parents. There was much to say but he had a lifetime to say it, for now he placed his new sister into his mothers loving arms. Smiling at his dad Lucas passed them and entered the Temple of the most holy. The Mace of many facets greeted him like an old friend and floated beside him as he carried out his tasks.

First, Lucas placed Sunrise 5ive back upon the Altar dais. Then he placed the staff and jar back into the arc where he had first found them. Before leaving the Temple Lucas hugged the Mace of many facets then left to live the life his brother’s love had given him!

The End